Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Zappos.com’s Tony Hsieh for American Airlines

    I have photographed Tony Hsieh, the 30-something mastermind CEO of Zappos.com, quite a few times over the years working in Vegas. Still, being hired to visit the Zappos.com offices for a client makes me cheer. Tony and company are just so. much. FUN! These are definitely the cool kids. This round American Airlines’ in-flight magazine, […]

  • Promo Campaign featured on No Plastic Sleeves

    After a fantastic 10 day vacation (belated honeymoon with Kirk!) I returned to work this morning to an email from Danielle Currier of No Plastic Sleeves indicating she just posted a feature on my 2011 self-promotion campaign on the NPS website. I really appreciate Danielle’s comments. I did a great deal of research on marketing […]

  • The New Trop for Bloomberg Businessweek

    Last month Businessweek via Redux called asking if I could go shoot the “bejesus” out of the new Tropicana. Um, yes! Though I live my life pretty *off Strip* for the most part, I love hitting the Las Vegas Strip hotels and casinos with my camera most anytime. The story is about the fact that […]

  • Family Vacations

    The family I married into rocks. When it comes to spending time together for summer vacation my in-laws opt to hit the beach with tents and campers, grills and tarps. It’s all about doing fun things outside, together, and big family meals. This year my mom added to the fun and traveled from Kentucky to […]

  • 2011 Spring Print Promotion

    I’ve had a lot of firsts since transitioning to freelance last May. This has been one of the most satisfying to accomplish thus far. My spring print promotion, one of three for 2011. Last spring, to create a new portfolio better suited to my personal style and the freelance market – after eight years as […]

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