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Tiffany Brown Anderson
[div] BIOGRAPHY Born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky, Tiffany Brown has had a lifelong passion for photography. A documentary photographer with a distinct point of view, an eye for detail and a sense of humor, Tiffany digs into stories to inform her work and provide viewers with something more than straight news photographs – whether it’s casino workers losing their longtime jobs to the “progress” of a wrecking ball or a teacher coping with the devastating effects of a shooter’s bullet lodged in her husband’s spine. In her current work she is leading the way to tell multimedia stories online as well. [/div] [div] AWARDS u0026#038; RECOGNITION In 2009 Brown was a staff member of the Las Vegas Sun’s , she won first place in the portrait category of the Associated Press’ California/Nevada Photo Contest and a third place for portrait in the Nevada Press Association photo contest. Tiffany has been a runner-up for the 2007 Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism for a single project, was a finalist for the 2008 Dart Award, a 2008 nominee for the World Press Joop Swart Masterclass and has been recognized for her work by the National Press Photographers Association, Best of the West…
[contact-form 1 u0022Contact form 1u0022] Tiffany Brown Las Vegas, Nevada e p 702.556.9979 More Contact Information Will Go Here Site by Must Warn Others
L: Lucha Libre Annie / R: Pit Crew
November 12, 2010
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